
Jesus, Take the Wheel

Sheldon: It amazes me how you constantly obsess over fictional details when there are more important things in the real world to worry about. For example, why wasn’t William Shatner in the new Star Trek movie?

Sheldon: What self-important preening fraud are they honoring this year?
Leonard: I'm so glad you asked it like that. You!

Howard: The one thing the William Shatner of theoretical physics needed was an ego boost.

Howard: Well, no you're mistaken. You give speeches all the time. What you can't do is shut up.

Sheldon: Any group big enough to trample me to death. General rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 children.

Penny: I love where you skip over the part where no one asks.

Sheldon: What qualifies you to attempt to understand my mind?
Leonard: My mother is a highly regarded psychiatrist, and I’ve been in therapy ever since she accused me of breast-feeding co-dependently.
Howard: Raj says he can teach you, what did you call it? I don’t know, some Indian meditation crap.
Sheldon: I see. Well, I assume, since the rest of you have set the bar so low, you’re saving the most impressive contribution for last. Go ahead, Howard. Dazzle me.
Howard: My power is the ability to pretend like I give a damn about your piddly-ass problems. And that’s 24-7, buddy.

Penny: So what do you say Sheldon, are we your X-men?
Sheldon: No, the X-men were named for the X in Charles Xavier. Since I am Sheldon Cooper, you will be, my C-men.

Raj: These methods of meditation come from the ancient gurus of India, and have helped me overcome my own fears.
Sheldon: And yet, you can't speak to women.
Raj: True, but thanks to it, I am able to stay in the same room with then without urinating.

Raj: Imagine yourself in the one place you feel most at home. Where is that?
Sheldon: Sim City. More specifically, the Sim City I designed, Sheldonopolis.

Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".

Sheldon: Question one, where are my pants?
Leonard: You might wanna check out YouTube.

Sheldon: Get ready to see the dark side of the moon. Now here's Uranus!

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