
The pretty girl left

Sheldon: Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.

Sheldon: Penny, I just want you to know that, you don't have to live like this. I'm here for you.
Penny: What is he talking about?
Leonard: It's a joke.
Penny: I don't get it.

Leonard: I guess we'll just take [a TV cabinet] up [the stairs] ourselves.
Sheldon: We don't have a dolly, or lifting belts, or any measurable upper-body strength.
Leonard: We don't need strength. We're physicists. We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. Give me a fulcrum and a lever, and I can move the Earth. (Trying to move the box) It's just a matter of... I don't have this. I don't have this. I don't have it!
Sheldon: Archimedes would be so proud.

vill också ha ett star wars svärd som nattlampa och försvar. genius.

Sheldon: I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom is our living room and just outside our living room is that hallway and immediately adjacent to that hallway is [Penny's messed up apartment]!
Leonard: Do you realize if Penny wakes up there's no reasonable explanation to why we are here?
Sheldon: I just gave you a reasonable explanation.

Sheldon: If you have time to lean you have time to clean.

Sheldon: sarcasm?
Leonard: You think!

Leonard: You convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet.
Sheldon: You don't think that crosses the line?
Leonard: Yes... For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?
Sheldon: You have a sarcasm sign?

Leonard: Penny's up
Leonard: How did she know it was us?
Sheldon: I may have left a suggested organizational schematic for her bedroom closet.

Sheldon: Good bye honey puffs...helloo big bran.

Howard: Grab a napkin, homey, you just got served.

Howard: What's his problem?
Sheldon: His imaginary girlfriend broke up with him.
Howard: Been there!

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