
AA versus PMS

Penny: Hi, can you help me, I was writing an email and the A key got stuck. Now it's just going "aaaaaa".
Leonard: What did you spill on it?
Penny: Nothing. Diet coke. And yoghurt. A little nail polish.

Penny: Wow, so in your world, you're like, the cool guys.
Howard: Recognise.

Penny: You know, it's none of my business, but isn't a guy who can't speak in front of women going to hold you back a little?
Leonard: Oh, uh, he'll be okay once the women are mixed into the crowd. He only has a problem when they're one and one and smell nice.
Penny: Oh, thanks Raj, it's vanilla oli.

Sheldon: What do manner have to do with it? This is war.

Leonard: you're a friend, and you like Batman, and cookies, and you're off the team.

Sheldon: Oh, and one more thing, it's on bitch.

Raj: I say we wait until he looks at us then laugh, like "Yes, you're a smart and strong competitor but we're also smart and strong and we have a reasonable chance in defeating you".
Leonard: How exactly would that laugh go?
Raj: Hihihihihii-iii
Wolowitz: That's more like: We're tall thin women who want to make a coat out of your Dalmatians.

Howard: Sometimes you've got to take one for the team.
Raj: Yeah. Suck up, dude.

Penny: So, how do you feel? Nice and loose? Come to play? Got your game face on? ... Are you ready?

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